onsdag 8 oktober 2014

Music to me

Music to me/ Jag saknar dig mindre och mindre (I miss you less everyday)  

This song by Melissa Horn was recorded in 2011. I was 12 years old back then. The text is literally about Melissa’s bad breakup and how she feels and act around friends that always ask her about her ex boyfriend. I have never experienced a bad breakup but my older sister has (Lia), I can still ”relate” to this song even if it hasn’t happened to me. The lyrics is so poetic and well written. Her voice matches perfect and the music (the band) makes it wonderful. I like to listen to different kinds of music when I am in different moods. Although I can listen to this song almost everyday. I never get tired off it. Me and my big sister once saw her perform live at the Malmöfestival in 2014, near the end of the summer. It was amazing. It was pretty cold that day but that was OK. At fist, Lia and I, weren't standing where all the others were (in front off the stage). We sat on the ferris wheel and it was very romantic, hahah. Then our ride was over so we pushed ourselves into the crowd until we were in the middle. Melissa Horn was so sweet, she must have a great personality. She told us small stories in-between her songs and sometimes the crowd laughed and others we felt her sorrow. I like almost all the songs she made even though they look, kind off, the same. My favorite is ”Jag saknar dig mindre och mindre”. Before she was about to sing this one live she told us that she really wanted to name the song ”Jag saknar dig” (I miss you) without the ”less” part. But she was strong enough to not call it that.  Nearly the end off the song she almost cried. Them feelings you get from the artist, true feelings. The lighting on the staged, when she performed this song, became a light purple and some withe dust came floating on the stage. It was so wonderful. She is so beautiful. 

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