fredag 16 november 2012

Ghost story

Hello, my name is Amy. I’m 18 years old. I live in a big house now. But when I was 15 i leved in a small house. I lived there in 5 years with my family and it was a normal house. But it was that one day...

”Good moorning sweet heart”,mum said. ’’Good morning, whats for breakfast?” ”Toast”.  I went to the kitchen  and sat down at the table and took a glas of juice. My dad was reading the newspaper and my mother drank coffee and looked out of the window. "The toaster is broken. Could you maybe get the old toaster in the basement Amy?". "Yes ..". I open the door to the basement and lit the lamp. Looked in the corner where we usually put "electric stuff". Suddenly I heard a sound. I looked around me and I saw a doll. It was really cute. But I could not remember it from when I was little. I walked against it. Beside it was the toaster. I took the toaster and the doll up. "Look what I found!", I said to mom and dad. "That’s great! You found the toaster, thank you." "But check the doll", I said. Mom and Dad did not seem to care about what I said and continued to eat and read the newspaper. I shookt my shoulders and sat at the table and ate my breakfast with the doll in my kneas.

"I go shopping," shouted my father before he slammed the door. I lay on my bed in my room and looked at the doll I found. It felt familiar but I could not figure out where I had seen it before. It had black hair and green eyes. Her head was larger than usual, and she had a perfect barbie body. I played around with her ​hair before I heard my mother yell "I will go and cut my hair now”. "Okay" ,I replied and walked down the stairs into the kitchen. Looked for some candy to eat. I had left the doll on the bed and the door open. I heard the door to my room close. "It was probably just the wind," I thought. I had left the window open. I took out a bag of candy and started to eat when I heard footsteps on the stairs. I walked towards the stairs and watched who it was but I couldn’t see someone. So I started thinking that I just imagined. Now it sounded exactly the same sound that I heard in the basement. It was a whirring noise. I looked around me as I stood in the kitchen and then I saw the doll. She looked at me and put his head on her angle. I was really sceard and looked for a something to hit the it with. Suddenly there was a big black hole right in front of the stairs  and everything spun around in the house. It blew and I had to duck to avoid getting things in my head. The doll looked at me and walked towards me. She walked so fast that I could not think of how I would defend myself. In the next second she had pushed me down into the hole and I tried to hold on to the floor. The doll was trying to drop me in the hole, but I held on tight. I closed my eyes and hoped it was all a dream. When I opened my eyes, I had fallen into the hole and woken up in my bed. I ran out of the room and down to the kitchen. "Good morning sweet heart," mum said. "Good morning, wait, what's for breakfast? '. "Toast".

The End.

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