*For what reason do you think Doctor Merrick's decided to start the facility?
I think it’s about the money. Everybody wants to get rich in this world and they will do anything for it, fool people to buy their products. He said to the people that they can live longer and who dosen’t want that? He probably never said to everyone that the clones did have feelings or have to be human for the organs to work. But even if the people, that he was about to sell these clones to, did know about it they maybe wouldn’t care. Because they paid millions of dollars on them and it would be a shame if all that money was for nothing, that might be how the real Lincoln taught. The world is disgusting, some people would care but some wouldn’t even bother.
*What do you think The Island is saying about the human cloning?
That it’s wrong and that they have feelings. Everything alive have feelings and you shouldn’t hurt anything/anyone. Even if it’s a tree or a person or, for example, a clone, you shouldn’t hurt it. Maybe that also is the massage they want to put out in the world with this movie. It exists so many persons that get bullied in school, have it hard at home or another problem. Every human have a problem.
*Are you surprised by this in a Hollywood film?
Not really. Hollywood films are more violence and have more sexual stuff than for example Bollywood films. Violence and kissing movies can you see everywhere and everyday. It’s not something new. The film what, though, a little bit crazy/disgusting/sick. I haven’t seen a movie like this before but maybe if you like movies in this theme of films you have seen more of them. I didn’t like the film that much. I think it’s a little fake, real stuff didn’t happened. They fall from a very tall building and then a net catch them and they are alive like it was a game.